
Monday, July 5, 2010

Free Scribbles Charity Pattern

Picture courtesy of CyndysDolls

Here's a free and fun pattern to use when making and donating dolls to charities.  CyndiS of CyndysDolls Main Site has generously shared this one with us.  She made it for the doll club she belongs to called The Guilded Lilies.  They sewed up over a hundred of these and donated them to Children Services in Columbus, Ohio.  This is a place where they take children where are removed from their homes. 

If your group decides to use this Scribbles Pattern, Cyndi would appreciate it if you take a picture and email it to her, with your group name and the charity name.  She'll post it on her website.  You can access her email address at this link: CyndysDolls Store Front under the section "Email Me" in the middle of the screen.

She also gave permission to everyone to share this pattern with others.