
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Series of Works in Progress

I have lots of new pictures to show you of dolls and some other works in progress. Before I post them, I would like to get cleaner shots so they are highlighted better. One series of dolls is coming out really nice. I'm painting the background of a patterned fabric with bright, beautiful colors. Then, I'm working on Mini-Worlds or perhaps "Inner Voices".  I'm not sure what the title will be for this other series. They are works created from the little mint tin cans, like the ones Altoids comes in.

Since pulling back on my emails and letting go of the pressure of keeping up with networking, I've been getting a lot of art done. I'm not rushed to meet deadlines and am lost in the process of creating. It feels GREAT! Although, I do miss interacting with a lot of people from my clubs. I've had to scale down, regroup and make some tough decisions.  I'm happier living a much more simplified life.